We are hard at work at realeasing our 4th major release of Get It Done. Here are some of our goals for this release.
Bring all desktop/web features to the mobile apps
We want you to be able to work seamlessly between the desktop and your mobile device. We are working to bring 'People', 'Scheduled', 'Evernote' and more to the mobile apps. Basically, if you can do it on the desktop we want you to be able to do it on you mobile device.
Clean up the user interface to make it look good across all computers and devices
We have found that our current color scheme looks great on some computers and devices and on others it looks really bad. Using green is very difficult across different screens. We have chosen to go with a more neutral color scheme so that it looks consistant across any device. We also wanted to get rid of all the unnecessary noise that creeped its way into our current app so we removed or moved anything that was not necessary.
Speed up app
On our initial tests we have found the new app is 200%-300% faster! We can't wait to get this out to you all.
Faster/Easier filing of tasks
We want to make it even easier and faster to go through your Inbox and file your tasks in to the proper project and folder. We are working hard on getting this just right.
Flawless syncing
When Get It Done first came out we only had to worry about the iPhone, now there are thousands of devices that use Get It Done. We have updated our syncing to be rock sold and faster no matter what device you are on.
Offline Access
With this new version you will be able to access all of your information even if you are not connected to the internet.
So when can you get it?
We should be feature complete and have a beta in a few weeks. If you are adventurous and would like to test a pre release version of the app then let us know! Once the beta is out then we can give you access. For everyone else we are looking to release in about a month.
To be on our beta list email us here
Here is a sneak peak of our current look of the app, the released version might not be exactly like this but you can get an idea of where we are going with this:

Ok, time for us to get back to work. If you have any comments feel free to leave them below.